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Atlantic sea scallops are the most significant fishery at Viking Village. In 2019 we landed and shipped in excess of 2 million pounds of "dry" scallops.  Scalloping is a year round fishery. Our fleet consists of 20 boats - 9 limited access boats, 2 part-time (single-dredge) limited access boats, and 9 general category boats (dayboats).


We ship fresh product in traditional 40-50 pound muslin bags and "Viking Fresh Sushi Grade" scallops in 8 pound plastic gallon containers. We also pack an exceptionally high quality frozen on site product for shipment when weather or fishery management considerations limit availability of fresh product.


•Geographic range: In the Northwest Atlantic Ocean, from Newfoundland to Cape Hatteras, North Carolina. Populations are found on Georges Bank (including the Canadian portion), the Gulf of Maine, and the Mid-Atlantic Bight. 


•Habitat: Adult scallops live together in dense groups called "beds" on the ocean floor. 


•Life span: Up to 20 years


•Food: Scallops filter small organisms out of the water column


•Growth rate: Rapid during the first half of their lifespan – between the ages of 3 and 5, sea scallops commonly grow to

50 to 80% of their shell height and may quadruple their meat weight.


•Maximum size: Usually not larger than 6-7 inches in shell height; the largest scallops observed have been about 9

inches in shell height. 


•Reaches reproductive maturity: At age 2, but do not significantly contribute until around age 4


•Reproduction: Sea scallops have high reproductive potential – a single sea scallop can produce as many as 270 million eggs during its lifetime. 


•Spawning season: Most spawn late summer to fall, but timing varies according to latitude.


•Spawning grounds: Bottom habitats with a substrate of cobble, shells, coarse/gravelly sand, and sand in the Gulf of Maine, Georges Bank, southern New England, and mid-Atlantic.


•Migrations: None, but a scallop can use its adductor muscle to open and shut its top and bottom shells to propel itself in the water column. Scallop larvae also drift in currents.


•Predators: Numerous pelagic fish and invertebrates eat scallop larvae; juvenile and adult scallops are preyed upon by cod, wolffish, eel pout, flounder, crabs, lobster, and sea stars.


•Commercial or recreational interest: Commercial


•Distinguishing characteristics: A bivalve mollusk harvested for the muscle that holds its two shells together.

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